Forking Mad+

Listening In?

I am not one who subscribes to conspiracy theories at all. However, a recent run in with Facebook has made me wonder.

My partner and I were sitting in the local cafe bar a few afternoons ago. As we chatted, I randomly mentioned that a local venue was hosting a stand-up comedian. I'm not a fan of stand-up, however I've seen some of her videos online as she makes be chuckle. I thought it might be fun to see her live, in a local venue. I picked up my mobile phone and checked the date and ticket price. We then chatted about inviting some friends and going for a meal before the show.

That was the full extent of the conversation and interaction online.

Roughly two hours later we are back home. My partner is flicking through their Facebook timeline and up pops an advert for that very comedian and her tour.

We were both shocked. 😲

I don't use Facebook. I do have an old account, but we are not linked to each other. My partner has never googled the comedian, or the event. The conversation a few hours ago with me was the first time we'd discussed it.

So how is this possible? Conspiracy subscribers will say your phone is always listening. I usually reject the idea, as it must be illegal.

The following day I read an article about an advertiser listening in on Facebook to serve better adverts.

I'm trying to explain away how this coincidence happened, but I must admit I am struggling.

We did try an experiment later, by chatting about something else totally random to see what 'Farcebook' delivered. So far nothing on that topic.