Forking Mad+

Celebrity Status

I have, over the years, met a number of celebrities in a variety of circumstances. It would be vulgar of me to name drop.

I prefer to think that THEY have met ME.

I never get star struck and show them the same respect as anyone I meet; they are no different from me, as a person. They may have a lifestyle that throws them some adoration, but I’m not interested. You’d be surprised at how much of a positive reaction it gets when you treat the celebrity with little regard to their status. I’m sure there are some who thrive on it, but I’ve no time for such behaviour and would not continue in their company.

Most of my encounters have been in bars, or restaurants, and the occasional home. My favourite has to be with a very famous world-renowned actress who is friendly with my neighbours. She was wandering their garden one day when she spotted me taking photos in my garden. She popped her head over the gate and said hello, then asked if she could see my photos. She came into the garden and we had a lovely chat and some wine.

She has a second home in the village and loves coming to stay. Everyone of course knows her, but she’s treated no differently. She shops at the local butchers, and small stores like everyone else. She can relax and feel human (her words).

That was my FiftyIn50 blogging prompt for today: Have you ever had a brush with celebrity? #48/50

My antepenultimate article in the prompting series. Two to go!
